CAT is a battery operated datalogger for AC and DC electrical measurements. It can relay data to a remote datacenter over the cell network (3G/4G) and over a USB local connection. Specifically for Cathodic Protection measurements, it integrates a timed switch for measurements of potential on a buried coupon, as described in the latest current standards.

DAT è un dispositivo acquisitore per grandezze analogiche (AC/DC). Esso opera completamente in assenza alimentazione esterna in quanto dotato di batterie tipo AAA. Comunica in locale con smartphone e computer via Bluetooth. Integra al suo interno un interruttore ciclico che garantisce la misurazione del potenziale su coupon per allinearsi ai nuovi standard di misurazione.

The BOX unit records and controls analog electrical (AC/DC) quantities.
It is designed to be installed on a DIN rail and powered at 12VDC.It may be powered by solar panels or from the grid, using the power adaptor and backup battery.
BOX relays data to the remote datacenter over GSM/GPRS – 3G/4G/LTE or Ethernet or to a local server using RS485. With a web interface, local SCADA and SD data storage it is a unique instrument in its field

DOT is a battery-operated data logger for AC and DC electrical measurements.
It can relay data to a remote datacenter over the cell network (GSM/GPRS-3G/4G/LTE) and over RS232 (or Bluetooth on request) local connection. Specifically for Cathodic Protection measurements, it integrates a timed switch for measurements of potential on a buried coupon, as described in the latest current standards.